Build your Own Plugin using (PlatformViews) — Flutter
Flutter 1.0 announced PlatformViews
Platform Views
While Add To App is useful as a way to gradually introduce Flutter to an existing application, sometimes it’s useful to go the other way round and embed an Android or iPhone platform control in a Flutter app.
So we’ve introduced platform view widgets (AndroidView
and UiKitView
) that let you embed this kind of content on each platform. We've been previewing Android support for a couple of months, but now we're expanding support to iOS, and starting to add plug-ins like Google Maps and WebView that take advantage of this.
Like other components, our platform view widgets participate in the composition model, which means that you can integrate it with other Flutter content. For example, in the screenshot above, the floating action button in the bottom right corner is a Flutter widget that has background color with 50% alpha. This demonstrates the unique architectural advantages of Flutter well.
While this work is ready for developers to try out, we’re continuing to work on improving performance and device compatibility, so we recommend caution if deploying apps that depend on PlatformViews. We’re continuing to actively optimize platform views and expect them to be ready for production in time for our next quarterly update.
Here how we can use PlatformViews to create your own Plugins
Step 1
Step 2
Inside lib/nativeweb.dart file we create a WebController Class
Step 3
Create a Webview callback function
Now in lib/nativeweb.dart we create a stateful widget
Step 4
Inside build function instead of returning Container we return AndroidView
or UiKitView
for Android or iOS
Step 5
AndroidView and UiKitView accepts few parameters
AndroidView and UiKitView looks like below
This is our onPlatFormViewCreated Function
Step 6
Inside android
replace above code with this one
Step 7
Create a new file
Step 8
Create a new file
In this file we implement two methods PlatformView
, MethodCallHandler
constructor will be as below
we ovrride some default methods
we create a new function which return a webview
Step 9
Inside iOS folder NativewebPlugin.m
file replace the existing code with below
Step 10
Create two file FlutterWeb.h
and FlutterWeb.m
Inside FlutterWeb.h
paste the below code
Step 11
Inside FlutterWeb.m
paste the below code
We implement FlutterWebFactory
and FlutterWebController
Step 12
Inside example/lib
folder main.dart
Step 13
Inside example/ios
folder Info.plist
Get Working code from Github
Additional Resources
If you want to use XML files from the Layout directory
private View getViewFromFile() {
view = LayoutInflater.from(registrar.activity()).inflate(, null);
return view;
Inside on getView()
We need to return view
public View getView() {
return view;
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