Flutter Downgrade — Any Version
Hello all,
Its been a while since my last article thanks for your support and views for my previous articles
Lets discuss how we can downgrade flutter version to any previous version
Lets Get Started,
Step 1:
Open terminal and Navigate to the flutter location
cd <flutter_path>
Step 2:
Now enter the command
git checkout <version>
You can find all the releases from this link https://docs.flutter.dev/development/tools/sdk/releases
Step 3:
Now run flutter doctor -v command so flutter will download the stuff related to the particular version
flutter doctor -v
Once the flutter doctor command is successful you can go ahead and enjoy the version you wish
Step 4: (to revert back to latest version)
First change the flutter channel using below command
flutter channel stable
Next Once the command is successful run flutter upgrade
flutter upgrade
Once its done you are on the latest version of the flutter
happy fluttering
Thanks for your time.
Hope you like it, if yes clap & share.