Flutter — LoadMore in ListView with Button and Autoload on Scroll
In our daily life, we build may flutter application which has ListView in it.
Sometimes we have a huge list of data and we need to paginate the data.
So, Let’s see an example how to implement LoadMore functionality with ListView
Let’s Create a DataSource
Let’s Create a ListWidget from DataSource
Here our Sample with ListView
We need to convert StateLessWidget
to StateFullWidget
Now for converting this huge data list into small parts with LoadMore
Step 1
Declare two variables perPage
and present
, perPage
Holds the no of items in each Page and present
holds the no of items loaded.
Step 2
While creating Data Source we copy it to two variables originalItems
and items
Step 3
This would be implementing Load More button
when there are more items in the list
Here in the code itemCount
if present
i.e., no of items loaded is lessthan or equal to total no of items in original list then we return +1
so we can add LoadMore
else we return the size of the list
Inside itemBuilder if index
of the list is equals to the length of the items then we return a LoadMore
button else a normal ListTile
Step 4
Now only functionality left is implementing LoadMore.
Inside onPressed
we add the below code
Here in the code if present
+ perPage
will become new final no of list to be loaded is greater then out complete original list length then we pass originalItems.length
in the getRange
else we pass present + perPage
in getRange
Our Output will be as below
Our Complete main.dart
file will be
Additional Auto Load on Scroll
If you want to automatically load more items when the user scrolls to the bottom of the list. In order to achieve this, we need to use NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>
To achieve this, we need to wrap our ListView.builder inside NotificationListener<ScrollNotification>
Our code will look like this
If you need to load more before it reaches end the try paying with this line of code
if (scrollInfo.metrics.pixels == scrollInfo.metrics.maxScrollExtent)
Then loadMore()
will be as below
Our final main.dart
file will be as below
Hope you Like it.
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